
Category : murmurings

24 Mar 2024

New Ambient Lo-Fi Album: Ambient Bloom Vol.1

I craft soundscapes with dreamy vibes and real-world recordings. So, when Good Dog Licensing connected me with legendary game designer James Earl Cox III (Forbes 30 Under 30 in Games!), I was thrilled. His latest project, deTuring (available on itch.io, Steam, etc.), uses AI to test your humanity in a mind-bending exploration of what it means to be human. It was awesome to contribute! Album on DISCO

31 Oct 2018

“Twee” – new track in progress!


I am so grateful be settling into my new studio,  able to explore and create once again. It’s been a rough couple of years, full of unexpected caregiving, sudden loss and deep sadness. But I’m beginning to remember what happiness feels like again. I recently discovered a recording I made of spring birds cavorting in the marsh. I was surprised how happy it made me feel, so I created a Twee little track. I hope to put a bow on it shortly and post on SoundCloud. I hope it makes you feel happy too. xoxo

04 Mar 2017

Going live, excited


Life, as we all know, nibbles away at plans and bulldozes deadlines. Despite life’s intrusions, today we go LIVE with this new website. Undoubtedly flaws, blemishes and how-the-hell-did-I-miss-that’s abound but overall we are excited and proud to present Murmuring Records and to introduce our new EP and more.

04 Mar 2017

“Wide” is now available on BandCamp!

So happy to be (finally!) releasing our first EP, “Wide,” by musical collective, “Serendipity Club,” – available now on BandCamp! Thank you so much, friends and family and extra big thanks to Robin Burnett, Liam Sullivan, Matthew Girard, Brian E. King, Stu Dietz, Liz McBride, Red Mastering and Liza Frost Hughes.

01 Mar 2017
24 Feb 2017
24 Feb 2017
22 Feb 2017

Top Secret: Serendipity Club

serendipity club #serendipity #club #tivertopia #underground

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22 Feb 2017

New Toy

Christmas came early

A post shared by Beth Burnett (@murmuring_records) on

21 Feb 2017

Stunning “Efflorescence,” by Isabel Mattia

Stunning "Efflorescence," by Isabel Mattia

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